Homemade Sore Throat Remedies

  • Piers Henderson
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      Being that there are two kinds of sore throats, those that are bacterial such as strep and those that are viral caused by the flu etc, cures may differ for each type.

      Bacterial sore throats are said to respond well to antibiotics while viral ones do not. EarthClinic.com have a few oldschool remedies that might do the trick for either - without the trip to the supermarket.

      Cayenne Powder

      We think the best remedy on this page for a sore throat (whether viral, bacterial or strep) is cayenne pepper. You may still need to continue the remedy for 2 - 3 days to see final results, so be patient! This remedy works when antibiotics do not and is excellent for those weird sore throats that don't seem to go away after 4 weeks (the ones that possibly lead to chronic fatigue syndrome).

      There are a few other ideas there such as cloves, raw garlic, iodine, plus some variations using cayenne powder - even Baked Lemon and Olive Oil:

      1 Lemon, Good Cold Pressed Olive Oil, Honey (optional). Go around the lemon - poking it with a fork and then put it in the oven (350') until juice bubbles out the holes. Cool. Squeeze the lemon and put the juice in a jar. Add an equal amount of olive oil. Add some honey if you like. SHAKE! Take a small spoonful now and again - like a lozenge.

      Also check all the reviews for each remedy. Cayenne powder is a clear leader.

      Sore Throat Cures - [EarthClinic]

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