The GMail Nerve Center

  • Michael Waters
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  • 1843
  • 190

      Steve Rubel from Micro Persuasion has put together a handy multi-tutorial for using Gmail as the center for a variety of applications. These include:

      • How to turn Gmail into a massive personal database (Gmail + the Google Toolbar)
      • How to get real-time news updates in Gmail (Gmail+ Google Talk + Twitter)
      • How to automatically store your bookmarks in Gmail (Gmail + + Yahoo Alerts)
      • How to manage Calendar and To-Dos in Gmail (Gmail + Backpack + GCal + GTalk + iMified)
      • How to blog from Gmail (Gmail + WordPress/TypePad/Blogger + IMified)

      If you're using Gmail every day for emails, integration makes sense. The speed, 2G+ space and tagging capabilities make Gmail a versatile application indeed.

      Turn Gmail Into Your Personal Nerve Center - [MicroPersuasion]

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