12 Real Reasons Some People Never Seem to Have Enough Time

  • Ronald Chapman
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Many people today complain that they constantly don't have enough time. They are so busy that they don't have time for their families, work tasks, kids, friends, etc. At the same time, there are lots of people who have the same number of responsibilities or even more, but they manage to do everything in time and still find a couple of hours to relax and do what they like. People who always lack time are probably do something wrong. Here's why.

1. They don't sleep right

Sleeping is one of the most important things for a healthy and successful life. If your sleeping hours are chaotic and irregular, you probably find yourself not having enough time for some things during the day. Scheduling your sleep can be the perfect solution here. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day and you may see the difference soon. The earlier you wake up, the more time you have before work to get ready, eat and spend some time on yourself.

2. They don't say “no”

People who agree to help everyone don't usually have much time left for themselves. If someone asks you for a favor, think if you have time for this and whether it will be good for you. I'm not saying you should turn everyone down and be selfish. However, your personal goals, plans, and desires should be a priority. Advertising

3. They don't work out

Many people don't work out because they think they don't have time for that. However, it is proven that physical activities make our brains work faster and better. Thus, after a good workout, you will be able to finish your tasks much quicker and maybe even better. Plus, you'll be in good shape.

4. They don't make to-do-lists

Planning is the key to success. If your days are not organized, you lose a lot of time on deciding what to do next, choosing which task to start with, procrastinating, etc. Make a to-do-list every day and before going to sleep, check if you managed to do everything. If you can, plan your day by hours. Then you won't forget anything; you'll do everything in time and procrastinate less.

5. They don't eat right

Healthy eating can actually help you with the lack of time. If you eat on schedule and the products are healthy yet nutritious, you won't spend time on numerous snacks between meals and your body won't spend too much energy on digesting difficult food. So you will be more energized and productive. Advertising

6. They don't get themselves in the right mood

Tons of researches have proved that optimists do better at work, tests, contests, etc. If you don't put yourself in the right mood, you'll procrastinate more and do less with your time. Try to start your working day calm and focus on the important tasks. You can use pleasant morning habits to improve your spirit such as drinking your favorite coffee or listening to positive music.

7. They don't eliminate distractions

Have you ever noticed how much time you spend on social networks, reading news, chatting with colleagues, answering calls, helping new colleagues understand the work, etc. Distractions are what stop you from getting things done fast and right. If you were sitting in a closed room with nothing but your task, you'd probably deal with it quite quickly. But you cannot create such a room, so create a system. Choose at least two hours per day when you cannot be disturbed at all. Turn off your phone, close all the entertainment sites, put on your headphones and ask your colleagues not to disturb you. You will do more in these two hours than you do in a day with all those distractions.

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8. They don't have specific goals

If you don't know where you are going to, you make a lot of detours and stops. Having a clear goal in your head can help you move faster towards it. The important thing is not to make this goal too abstract. Instead of having a goal of becoming rich, have a goal to finish your big project by the end of the year. A good idea is to have smaller goals along with that big one, such as to lose a couple of pounds by the end of the month or to start riding a bike to work instead of a car. Start small, but think big. Advertising

9. They take too many tasks

Multitasking can be great sometimes. But if you have many tasks and you want to do all of them right, don't try to do them all at once. You'll miss something, you'll make mistakes, and you won't do the best you can and as a result, you will have to correct mistakes and redo some things. That will take much more time than you can spend doing everything right from the first try. Take 1-2 tasks at a time and do your best with them.

10. They check their e-mails way too often

If you're waiting for a very important letter and check your e-mail every hour, it is one thing. However, doing it first thing in the morning is definitely not right. It distracts you from your plans, goals and intentions. Don't check your personal e-mails more than three times a day and definitely try not to do it for at least a couple of hours after you wake up.

11. They are not organized

Good preparations and planning is the key to saving time. Some people spend too much time in the morning getting ready, cooking breakfast, and collecting their things. However, you can do half of those things in the evening and save yourself a lot of time. You can decide what you'll wear and iron some clothes; you can put all the things you'll need in your bag, you can pre-cook an easy meal for the morning, etc. Advertising

12. They don't use their free time productively

All of us have some things that we love to do no matter if they don't bring us much use. This time can still be used with some benefit. If you cannot but watch a TV show in the evening, do some exercising while watching it; thus, you can skip the gym and do what you really want to do not wasting time. If you love drawing, for example, turn on some educational podcasts or foreign language audio-courses; even if you don't listen to that very attentively, you still hear and learn something. Try to combine such things and you'll have some more time.

Featured photo credit: Time flies/Hartwig HKD via flickr.com

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