Tricked Out Habits - Test, Dissect, Refine

  • Dominick Harrison
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Many times we keep doing things that aren't working any more. As creatures of routine, we take a process, belief, or plan and continue to follow it long after it's served its purpose. It becomes a habit - one that may not fit us very well. Advertising

Sometimes it's out of commitment. Other times laziness or indifference. When taking in new productivity plans, or changing our beliefs, its important to be able to see what's working, what's not, and to refine or tweak habits until they fit our lives. Advertising

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Evaluating our processes, routines, and beliefs can show where there are gaps in the way we are currently doing things, and can help us find better methods. Advertising

  • Test - When taking on a new system, process, belief - anything that you want to integrate into your life as a habit - it's a good practice to take it on in a temp position first. Try it out for a few weeks and see if it really fits with your life, work style, and goals.
  • Dissect - As you work with your temporary changes, begin to dissect them and analyze them. If possible try to view them from an outside perspective. Treat them like you are an outside auditor, looking at them as critically as you can. Start to see what seems to fit and what is out of place.
  • Refine - Any plan, process, or belief is not going to be one size fits all. Begin to polish and refine things. Keep what's working and ditch what doesn't. Refine new habits to fit you as an individual, because you are unique. The idea is to have a custom version, tailored to meet your life.

Taking this approach makes establishing new habits easier. Whether it's a new productivity plan, a change of beliefs, or a new process for getting your household chores done, refine them to work for you. Advertising

Craft tricked out habits and beliefs - you can truly call your own.

Tony D. Clark is an entrepreneur, writer, and artist who spends a lot of time talking others into profiting from what they know, being creative, and doing what they love. His blog Success from the Nest helps people to design and run a home-based business that is in line with their unique gifts, values, personality, and world-view - all served up with humor and cartoons.

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