Napping to Boost Productivity How Long is Too Long?

  • Robert Barton
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Napping is the Answer!

Far too commonly, we feel tired and groggy in the afternoon. Many cling to soda, coffee, or energy drinks as a means of revitalization. What can we do to combat our busy lifestyles? There's a simple solution: napping! Napping at any strategic point during the day will significantly increase your productivity, but many questions arise from such a simple activity. When is the most appropriate time to nap? And for how long? How can we escape our busy lives and drift off into the magical world of napping? Advertising

Why Bother Napping?

You should nap as often as possible. Once you find time to escape from reality once a day and completely clear your head, you'll never look back or doubt napping again. At first, committing to this activity may make you feel guilty, but the mental clarity and awareness you gain will change your perspective and give you a balanced, motivated frame of mind. When you find an ideal time in the afternoon or midway through your day to nap, you will realize you are on to something fantastic. Advertising

How Long is Too Long?

There are different sleep stages, as the video above accurately describes. Many people believe that napping for around 45 minutes is an ample amount of time. This is a big mistake in the world of satisfactory napping because the third stage of sleep (a nap longer than 30 minutes but shorter than an hour and a half) causes sleep inertia. This phenomenon oddly enough causes you to feel even less rested than before. Here is where power napping reigns supreme because, let's face it, no one has time to nap for an hour and a half every day. Power napping gives you just the right amount of increased composure and doesn't consume much time at all. Congratulations, you've found the key to a successful and restful day! Advertising

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With proper rest, goals are much more attainable. Become a great community leader, increase the productivity of your day, or get that promotion at work, all with the aid of napping! Advertising

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