Use Scotch Tape to Clean Your Keyboard

  • Timothy Sherman
  • 43
  • 2125
  • 72

Scotch tape has always been a great tool for cleaning lint and hair off your clothes in the morning. Well that same piece of Scotch tape can double as a great way to clean your keyboard. This will help to stop your keys from sticking and result in less typos. This is a quick fix that can save you from popping off all the keys on your 'board. What tips do you have to clean up your keyboard?

Cleaning between computer keys. Slide a 2 1/2-inch strip between the rows of your keyboard. The adhesive side removes dust and crumbs.

Clean Your Keyboard with Transparent Tape - [Real Simple]

ytmrmdpkwo ([email protected])
20.05.22 08:20
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kkmshxtjsw ([email protected])
19.05.22 06:24
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mgpefkblkm ([email protected])
18.05.22 05:33
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vbcndlhbbh ([email protected])
17.05.22 11:25
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12.05.22 13:26
ShareandCo | Use Scotch Tape to Clean Your Keyboard egklveks <a href="">aegklveks</a> [url=]uegklveks[/url]
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