OttoBib - Free Bibliography Generator

  • Joseph McCoy
  • 94
  • 5143
  • 23

      Back in high school I deplored writing bibliographies. All the formatting rules drove me up the wall and I never understood the need for a standard of referencing books.

      How I wish OttoBib was available back then.

      This handy little browser app takes the ISBN [International Standard Book Numbers] of the books you want to reference and changes that into one of three formats, MLA, APA, or Chicago/Turabian. That's it, instant references.

      OttoBib accepts both ISBN-10 and ISBN-13, and will also spit out a permalink of the results so you don't have to enter the numbers again.

          Make a bibliography. It's free, easy and OttoMatic - [OttoBib]

19.03.22 18:03
<a href="">Гарри Поттер и Дары Смерти</a>
19.03.22 15:52
<a href="">Филомена</a>
19.03.22 13:40
<a href="">Игра в имитацию</a>
19.03.22 11:28
<a href="">Человек-паук Вдали от дома</a>
19.03.22 09:19
<a href="">Рассказ Служанки</a>
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