No More Willpower? Watch This For Practical Productivity Tips

  • Joseph McCoy
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When you're feeling unmotivated or unfocused, it can be hard to get things done. How do you get out of this kind of funk?

It's more complicated than just trying to force yourself to “try harder.” Indeed, your willpower can only get you so far.

This video gives a few helpful tips that allow you to trick yourself into entering a more productive state of mind. Unlike other productivity tips, these ones are based on science (which makes them both way more interesting and more effective).

My favorite productivity hack is what they describe as the “Zeigarnik Effect,” which is basically the idea that just starting a task makes it infinitely more doable.

I'm sure we can all agree that that's true, right? Actually, now that I think about it, I have the Zeigarnik Effect to thank for basically all of my success (I think a lot of us can admit to that!)

For more potential out-of-the-box productivity tips like that one, check out the video above!

Featured photo credit: The Science of Productivty/ AsapSCIENCE via

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