20 Ways to Stay Motivated

  • Matthew Goodman
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For the past two weeks, Zen Habits has been publishing a series on “Motivation Hacks.” The motivation hacks allow you to achieve your goals by maintaining enthusiasm and (obviously) motivation. The goals are well worth the read and I have listed a few of my favorites below:

Achieving goals is not a matter of having “discipline”. It's a matter of motivating yourself, and keeping your focus on your goal. Follow these hacks, or any combination of them that works for you, and you should have the motivation and focus you need.

#16: Get a workout partner or goal buddy. Staying motivated on your own is tough. But if you find someone with similar goals (running, dieting, finances, etc.), see if they'd like to partner with you. Or partner with your spouse, sibling or best friend on whatever goals they're trying to achieve. You don't have to be going after the same goals - as long as you are both pushing and encouraging each other to succeed.

#14: Make it a pleasure. One reason we might put off something that will help us achieve our goal, such as exercise for example, is because it seems like hard work. Well, this might be true, but the key is to find a way to make it fun or pleasurable. If your goal activity becomes a treat, you actually look forward to it. And that's a good thing.

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#12: Break it into smaller, mini goals. Sometimes large or longer-term goals can be overwhelming. After a couple weeks, we may lose motivation, because we still have several months or a year or more left to accomplish the goal. It's hard to maintain motivation for a single goal for such a long time. Solution: have smaller goals along the way.

Top 20 Motivation Hacks - [Zen Habits] Advertising


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