101 Shareware and Freeware Programs

  • Matthew Goodman
  • 0
  • 1650
  • 251

The Free Geek has compiled a long list of 101 freeware and shareware applications. The list is very thorough and covers audio, browsers, compression, desktop enhancements, download/upload clients, email tools, fax and telephony, graphics and photo, Internet (surfing), iPod tools, MySQL tools, networking, office productivity, personal finance, programming, security, system utilities, tweaks, and web authors/owners. Talk about a complete list! Give the list a read and let us know what you think of the applications in the comments.

How can a person limit juicy downloads to 101 freeware and shareware choices? Tough calls, but the tools below are ones that every nerd needs, or at least should ponder. Many freeware choices are open source, and the shareware all offer trial offers.

101 Shareware and Freeware Programs Every Nerd Needs - [The Free Geek]

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