7 Ways To Get Down To Writing

  • John Boone
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Procrastination, poor time-management, writer's block - if you're a writer you've encountered these debilitating creative illnesses at least a few times.

How do we make ourselves get any work done? Why, with a seven-point list of course!

Write first thing in the morning. When you wake up, don't check email, don't look and see how your blog is doing, and don't read your feed reader. Find the most important or most urgent writing task on your to-do list, and get started on it. Once you crank that out, the rest of your day is golden!

This tip, I think, is the most important. If you get the most important thing done first, each successive task will be a breeze. It will actually be harder for you to not get all the other stuff done afterwards.

Also, apparently in the morning you are able to take more information in. You're brain is fresh [even though it may not seem very fresh] and eager to start working.

Check the list and throw in your own ideas.

7 Ways to Crank Out Articles - [FreelanceSwitch]

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